Positive self-talk really works and here’s how you can try it right now 6月 25, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Positive affirmations can sound really silly when you first start doing them. Just imagine an adult sitting in her office or at home repeating things like “I am strong”, “I...
Why your home needs a ‘calm space’ for your toddler 6月 23, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Think about the last time you got annoyed, frustrated, angry, or upset. What did you do? Where did you go? Chances are, you have a safe space where you can...
5 signs that your toddler is gifted 6月 23, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Giftedness is often thought of as related to intelligence or IQ. In reality, children (and people) can be artistically gifted, musically gifted, gifted in leadership ability and more. How can you...
Should you stop using ‘time out’ as punishment? 6月 23, 2021LearningTimeID Admin You might have been using ‘time outs’ for a while now to deal with your child’s behavior. However, the growing trend in positive parenting advocates for something called ‘time-in’, which...
The alphabet, colors, and numbers. What should my 2 year old know? 6月 08, 2021LearningTimeID Admin The number one question we get asked is ‘is it normal that my child is ____’? Parents are always worried about their children’s wellbeing and development and at 2 years...
Research shows that this is the best way to teach colors 6月 08, 2021LearningTimeID Admin At around 2 years old, your child is ready to learn to sort, match, and name colors. We’ve all probably said ‘this is a red apple’ or ‘that’s a yellow...
6個照顧2歲幼兒的育兒技巧 6月 08, 2021LearningTimeID Admin 正向育兒(Positive Parenting)需要家長更多的耐心、堅持和親自陪伴,儘管過程相對快捷的「負面懲罰」更為艱辛,但孩子往往能獲得更好的適應力、自制、溝通技巧和同理心。以下6個是能在家中活用的正向育兒方法。 1. 預先設定期望 舉例說,和孩子前往圖書館。如果他想跑到其他地方,你可以告訴孩子,他需要先跟你說:「媽媽,我要走了。」假如他忘記跟你說一聲便走開,當你暫停他的活動時,他出現負面情緒的機會便會減低。 2. 訓練決策能力,給孩子2個選擇 孩子正處於渴望為自己做決定的階段,給予他2個能獲得相同效果的選擇,是讓你和孩子達至雙贏的方法。你可以問:「你想要自己穿衣服,還是爸爸幫你挑衣服?」或者「你想自己梳洗,還是需要幫忙?」 3. 「Time-in」比「Time-out」好 Time-out,將孩子拉到安靜一角自省,這裏可解作面壁思過。Time-in 則是多一份溝通和關懷,當孩子犯錯時,你可在其身旁給予安慰,無論是身體接觸或是言語溝通,讓孩子獲得安全感,再透過語言引導孩子説出當下的真實感受和想法。 4. 用說話表達情緒 了解孩子感受,引導他用說話表達情緒,孩子將逐漸學會用說話表達,而不是發脾氣。你可以說:「我明白你不開心,但打人會傷害到別人,你可以向她表示,你不喜歡她拿走你的玩具。」 5. 跟孩子解釋行動帶來的後果 若孩子不想穿外套出門,你不可以單純責罵,他根本不知道為甚麼被罵。相反你可以讓他感受外面有多冷,他自然就會拿外套穿。若孩子想觸碰滾燙的鍋子,你可找另一個合理的後果,然後把孩子趕離廚房。 6.假如商量再沒有用 如果你已經用盡所有方法,但孩子仍然大哭大叫,請不要與他們商量和退讓,因為通常只會演變成爭吵,最終讓所有人都不開心。你只需要將孩子帶離現場,坐在他身旁。你不用說話,但要陪在他身邊。假如他想說話,你可以運用「Time-in」的方法。 有一點大家要注意,我們主張正向育兒,但並不表示我們鼓勵放任型育兒,就是讓孩子做任何他們想做的事來避免吵架和衝突。如果以這種方式育兒,孩子的情緒調節能力會很差,沒有自律性及比較反叛。請謹記正向育兒是一種育兒方法而不是用來解決問題的方法。如果你能夠貫徹始終,它絕對會成為育兒的關鍵。
Raising children of the future: The importance of tolerance and acceptance 6月 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin One of the most embarrassing things that can happen as a parent is your child pointing and asking questions in public about someone who looks different. Before you awkwardly shush...
過度使用電子屏幕會怎樣導致2歲以下孩子語言發展遲緩? 6月 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin 對於孩子使用電子屏幕產品有太多意見相阻的資訊,所以我們親自做了一個調查。在發表結果之前,家長需要先了解「雙重表徵」一詞。 甚麼是「雙重表徵」? 雙重表徵是指能明白符號代表一個實物的能力,例如:當你看地圖時,你明白湖泊的符號代表一個真正的湖泊。同樣地,當你上網上數學課時,屏幕上的數字代表你將來在測驗上看到的數字。 這概念很容易理解,對吧? 不,調查顯示 3 歲以下的孩子沒有好好地理解「雙重表徵」,就是說他們看似透過遊戲、應用程式、教詞𢑥的網上影片中學到很多東西,但實際上並沒有應用在生活。 至少屏幕能讓孩子安定下來呀。 這可能是對的,但並非沒有傷害。研究人員發現 12 個月以下的孩子每天使用多於 2 小時的電子屏幕,患上語言發展遲緩的機會將增加 6 倍。另一項研究發現每天看多過 2 個小時電視的嬰兒及幼兒很大機會降低其溝通能力。 是否完全不用電子屏幕就是最好? 我們明白,有時候家長想要自己的時間,電子屏幕能讓孩子安定下來。如果只是幾分鐘的節目是無傷大雅,但要謹記不能將電子屏幕當作安撫之用,否則孩子就會錯誤將電子屏幕與安定的概念聯繫。 如果你發現自己逐漸依靠電子屏幕來安撫孩子,這並不是只有你才遇到的問題,這個情況很普遍!看看我們的專家建議如何處理這些行為問題。
What is a ‘lovey’ and why is your child so attached to it? 6月 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin You might notice at this age (or even younger) that your child probably has an object that they always have by their side. It might be a blanket, a stuffed...
Understanding your options for nursery school 6月 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin It’s that time when you have to start thinking about nursery (or ‘pre-nursery) school. We’ve been through the process and we know what you’re thinking. The school your child attends...