How to read to your 1 year old and what to expect 1月 06, 2022LearningTimeID Admin You’ll hear it from all the experts: it’s never too early to read to your children! What they don’t tell you is that reading to a 1 year old is...
如何讓孩子學會感恩? 11月 29, 2021LearningTimeID Admin 研究指出,當你愈懂得感恩,你愈懂得快樂,生活也會變得更正面。普遍孩子自5歲起便會開始掌握這個概念,這是為甚麼我們要從小向他們灌輸懂得感恩的價值觀。 那麼,如何教導1歲孩子理解這概念? 光是用嘴巴跟孩子說,你要學懂感恩或要他們向別人說道謝是不足夠的。因為對於1歲孩子的最佳學習方式,就是透過觀察與模仿。 1. 認識你生命中感恩的事情 首先,你自己要清楚其實世上很多事情值得你感恩,然後你可以和孩子分享,哪些是有甚麼事情呢? 2. 分享事物帶來給你的感受 例如,如果你收到朋友的禮物,除了可以說感恩,也可以分享禮物帶給你的感受。例如:感到驚喜、開心、感動等等。 3. 表現感恩 表現感恩的方法有很多種,說多謝是其中之一,你亦可以送上禮物或別人提供協助。這些行為對孩子學習表現感恩有著很重要的影響。 4. 變成習慣 你可以將感恩的概念融入孩子的日常生活,例如讓他們分享每天覺得感恩的事情,你亦可以向他們分享你覺得感恩的事情。記住,你愈懂得感恩,同時也會為你的孩子帶來正面影響,讓家庭增添快樂。
Build independence by practicing undressing skills 11月 04, 2021LearningTimeID Admin At around 18 months, you’ll notice that your child will begin to get involved in dressing and undressing themselves. Perhaps they lift their arms up when you’re about to put...
孩子不懂說話?4個訓練16-18個月言語能力的方法 7月 13, 2021LearningTimeID Admin 當長達至16-18個月大,有些孩子已經能夠說到10個或以上的生字。可是,你的孩子若然未能說出任何生字,或者已經算是「遲語者」。以下是言語學家給我們的建議,有助家長鼓勵孩子的言語能力。 所需物件:以下將會使用 Learning Time 16-18個月的教材做例子,或孩子喜歡使用的開放式玩具亦可。 1. 角色扮演 角色扮演是孩子學習表達自己的好方法。使用我們的鯨魚布偶,問孩子:「鯨魚它肚餓了,應該給牠甚麼食物呢?」並且大聲讀出答案。 2. 集中於輔音 有些遲語者未必能發出輔音,例如英語中的 p、b、m、n、y、k、g 等,你可嘗試加強這些字的發音,看看孩子會否模仿你。 3. 給予簡單指令 試用我們的海洋探索盒子給予簡單指令。舉例,問孩子能否指出八爪魚,如果他能夠正確指出,證明他有良好的語言學習能力。如果指令太簡單的話,可以增加難度,同時間給他兩個指令(two-step instructions):「你能指出八爪魚嗎?然後再指出牠的觸鬚?」 4. 模仿言語 參與孩子的遊戲,並使用正常成人的言語和他們溝通。舉例,當孩子正在玩小木船天秤,你可以假裝他們已經理解小木船的玩法,問孩子哪邊較重或有較多的串串珠。
One simple way to incorporate active learning into any play time 7月 08, 2021LearningTimeID Admin You’ve heard of ‘learning-through-play’, but do you know how children actual learn as they play? Sure, if they play with a puzzle, they will learn some problem-solving skills. If they...
Is it time to start worrying if your child hasn't started talking? 7月 08, 2021LearningTimeID Admin As parents, we know that even though websites tell us that it’s normal that some children are ‘late-talkers’, we still worry if our child isn’t talking at this age. As...
Why science says having less toys is better for learning and playing 7月 02, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Parents often buy too many toys and end up with a cluttered nursery. While it may seem like it’s a good thing to offer your child more options for playing,...
What is a ‘lovey’ and why is your child so attached to it? 6月 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin You might notice at this age (or even younger) that your child probably has an object that they always have by their side. It might be a blanket, a stuffed...
Understanding your options for nursery school 6月 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin It’s that time when you have to start thinking about nursery (or ‘pre-nursery) school. We’ve been through the process and we know what you’re thinking. The school your child attends...
Science says this is the best way to improve your 1 year old’s persistence 6月 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Persistence, or sometimes known as ‘grit’, is becoming increasingly popular in the parenting world. Parents want to raise children with ‘grit’ who can persist through challenges and obstacles instead of...
Signs of speech and language delays in a 1-year-old 6月 03, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Children develop at a rapid pace. In the first year alone, they go from having bad color vision, no ability to move, and no ability to produce language to being...
Your child needs to understand one-to-one correspondence before learning to count 6月 03, 2021LearningTimeID Admin You might think that your child already knows how to count because they can recite 1 through 10. However, memorizing the sequence of numbers versus counting with one-to-one correspondence are...