The question that every parent should STOP asking their child December 23, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Think back to your childhood. How many times have you been asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” All of us at Learning Time agree that...
How can you teach gratitude to young children? November 29, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Studies show that one of the greatest predictors of happiness is gratitude, and this has been shown in children as young as 5 years old. When we focus on what...
Why is it important to celebrate festivals and holidays with your children? November 22, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Thinking back to your own childhood, do you have memories of celebrating different festivals with your family? Chances are, these nostalgic memories still bring back vivid emotions. But celebrating festivals...
Build independence by practicing undressing skills November 04, 2021LearningTimeID Admin At around 18 months, you’ll notice that your child will begin to get involved in dressing and undressing themselves. Perhaps they lift their arms up when you’re about to put...
Identifying your child's learning style and ways to optimize learning July 21, 2021LearningTimeID Admin There are a few widely recognized learning styles, and your child could potentially prefer one learning style over the others. This article will guide you in identifying your child’s learning...
Understanding different learning styles July 21, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Everyone learns differently and has different needs when it comes to learning. The three dominant learning styles are usually defined as visual, kinesthetic or aural. Most learners have a preference...
How to develop your child's listening skills from a young age July 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Developing listening skills is crucial for your child’s learning at home and at school. But how can you build a strong foundation for listening skills? The good news is you...
Positive self-talk really works and here’s how you can try it right now June 25, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Positive affirmations can sound really silly when you first start doing them. Just imagine an adult sitting in her office or at home repeating things like “I am strong”, “I...
The realities of school interviews: A talk with Tutor Time International Nursery and Kindergarten June 24, 2021LearningTimeID Admin In many developed countries, it’s not uncommon to see children as young as 6 months old attending school in the form of playgroups. As they move on to Nursery and...
Why your home needs a ‘calm space’ for your toddler June 23, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Think about the last time you got annoyed, frustrated, angry, or upset. What did you do? Where did you go? Chances are, you have a safe space where you can...
5 signs that your toddler is gifted June 23, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Giftedness is often thought of as related to intelligence or IQ. In reality, children (and people) can be artistically gifted, musically gifted, gifted in leadership ability and more. How can you...
Should you stop using ‘time out’ as punishment? June 23, 2021LearningTimeID Admin You might have been using ‘time outs’ for a while now to deal with your child’s behavior. However, the growing trend in positive parenting advocates for something called ‘time-in’, which...