How to read to your 1 year old and what to expect January 06, 2022LearningTimeID Admin You’ll hear it from all the experts: it’s never too early to read to your children! What they don’t tell you is that reading to a 1 year old is...
One simple way to incorporate active learning into any play time July 08, 2021LearningTimeID Admin You’ve heard of ‘learning-through-play’, but do you know how children actual learn as they play? Sure, if they play with a puzzle, they will learn some problem-solving skills. If they...
Is it time to start worrying if your child hasn't started talking? July 08, 2021LearningTimeID Admin As parents, we know that even though websites tell us that it’s normal that some children are ‘late-talkers’, we still worry if our child isn’t talking at this age. As...
5 things that your 1 year old is NOT ready to learn July 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Parents often get too excited about their child turning 1. They expect their child to go from crawling and babbling to running and talking. While children do develop at a...
Why science says having less toys is better for learning and playing July 02, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Parents often buy too many toys and end up with a cluttered nursery. While it may seem like it’s a good thing to offer your child more options for playing,...
What does it mean when your toddler hits, bites, or kicks others? June 03, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Right around this age is when behaviors like hitting, biting and kicking peak. As a parent, it’s hard to draw the line between allowing these behaviors to occur and correcting...
The best way to teach your child a second language June 02, 2021LearningTimeID Admin By now, we know that teaching young children more than one language can have many cognitive and social benefits. Now, the question is ‘how’? We had the chance to sit...
The cognitive and social benefits of being bilingual June 02, 2021LearningTimeID Admin It’s a long held misconception that children should not be taught more than one language because it might confuse them or delay their speech. However, these myths have been shown...
Speech therapy techniques for 12-14 months June 02, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Speech begins to be an area of concern right around this age. Some children may have said their first words while some may still be babbling - both of which...
Your child’s nutrition: breastfeeding, weaning, and timing June 02, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Nutrition is one of the three factors that have the largest impact on early brain development, with the other two being toxins and environment. Many parents struggle with knowing when...
The difference between how native English and Chinese speakers teach their babies language June 02, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Many of you reading this may be bilingual (or multilingual) but most, if not all of you likely prefer one language over the other. This preference is automatically passed on...
Appropriate ways to discipline your 1 year old June 02, 2021LearningTimeID Admin By the time your child is 1, you may notice that they begin to display behavioral issues like screaming, hitting, biting, and pulling. They may begin to do these things...