The alphabet, colors, and numbers. What should my 2 year old know? June 08, 2021LearningTimeID Admin The number one question we get asked is ‘is it normal that my child is ____’? Parents are always worried about their children’s wellbeing and development and at 2 years...
Research shows that this is the best way to teach colors June 08, 2021LearningTimeID Admin At around 2 years old, your child is ready to learn to sort, match, and name colors. We’ve all probably said ‘this is a red apple’ or ‘that’s a yellow...
6 positive parenting techniques for dealing with a difficult 2 year old June 08, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Positive parenting requires patience, persistence, and being present, but it’s also rewarded with a child that’s more resilient, has better self-regulation, and is better at communicating and empathizing. Here are...
Raising children of the future: The importance of tolerance and acceptance June 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin One of the most embarrassing things that can happen as a parent is your child pointing and asking questions in public about someone who looks different. Before you awkwardly shush...
Here’s how too much screen time can cause or worsen language delays in children under 2 June 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin There’s too much conflicting information on screen time for children, so we did our own extensive research. Long story short, screen time might not be useful at all for children...
What is a ‘lovey’ and why is your child so attached to it? June 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin You might notice at this age (or even younger) that your child probably has an object that they always have by their side. It might be a blanket, a stuffed...