A guide to playing music for your baby during pregnancy August 02, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Parents often play lullabies or classical music to babies in the womb but why? Does it actually make your baby smarter? What kind of music should you play? When should...
One simple way to incorporate active learning into any play time July 08, 2021LearningTimeID Admin You’ve heard of ‘learning-through-play’, but do you know how children actual learn as they play? Sure, if they play with a puzzle, they will learn some problem-solving skills. If they...
Why science says having less toys is better for learning and playing July 02, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Parents often buy too many toys and end up with a cluttered nursery. While it may seem like it’s a good thing to offer your child more options for playing,...
Why the ‘Marshmallow Test’ is one of the most fascinating studies on children June 25, 2021LearningTimeID Admin If for some reason you’ve attended a child psychology lecture before, you’ll definitely have heard of the marshmallow test. Originally designed by Stanford University professor Walter Mischel in 1972, the...
Research shows that this is the best way to teach colors June 08, 2021LearningTimeID Admin At around 2 years old, your child is ready to learn to sort, match, and name colors. We’ve all probably said ‘this is a red apple’ or ‘that’s a yellow...
Here’s how too much screen time can cause or worsen language delays in children under 2 June 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin There’s too much conflicting information on screen time for children, so we did our own extensive research. Long story short, screen time might not be useful at all for children...
What is a ‘lovey’ and why is your child so attached to it? June 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin You might notice at this age (or even younger) that your child probably has an object that they always have by their side. It might be a blanket, a stuffed...
Science says this is the best way to improve your 1 year old’s persistence June 07, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Persistence, or sometimes known as ‘grit’, is becoming increasingly popular in the parenting world. Parents want to raise children with ‘grit’ who can persist through challenges and obstacles instead of...
The cognitive and social benefits of being bilingual June 02, 2021LearningTimeID Admin It’s a long held misconception that children should not be taught more than one language because it might confuse them or delay their speech. However, these myths have been shown...
The difference between how native English and Chinese speakers teach their babies language June 02, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Many of you reading this may be bilingual (or multilingual) but most, if not all of you likely prefer one language over the other. This preference is automatically passed on...
Boys who play with dolls and girls who play with trucks May 28, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Some people think gendered play is a thing of the past, but it’s still alive and well today. We often see boys who are obsessed with cars and trucks, while...
Your baby learns to fear heights when they begin to move and crawl May 28, 2021LearningTimeID Admin Fun fact: all babies are born NOT scared of heights! That may seem odd given that many adults are scared of heights. When you think about it, it makes perfect...